Tag Archives: Gel Sleeping Mask

Fake it ’til you Make it.

If you’re anything like us, you’re feeling a little worse for wear after long evenings out (after all, Fourth of July weekend full of celebration). Exhaustion often shows up in the form of puffy eyes the next day. Here are our tips on how to look totally refreshed tomorrow—even if you’re faking it.

—Chill out. Before you go to sleep tonight, throw small sleeping masks in the freezer. The cold jelly-like mask will reduce your puff in minutes (not to mention wake you up!) tomorrow morning.

—Put on a little eye gel—we said a little. Yes, a product helps, but putting too much on can irritate (and further puff the eyes). Epicuren makes a killer eye gel- Moisture Surge Eye Gel.

—Cover up. When you’re getting ready for work, swipe a matte eyeshadow that’s a shade darker than your skin across your lids and along the lower lash line–it will detract from the puffiness.